How Bach Flowers save you money

Sat-Sung Kalman Hassid
2 min readMay 10, 2023

For a number of years I’ve subscribed to a membership program. You know, the type where every month you pay a fee and for that you get full access to a whole bunch of great resources.

At the beginning the program was fantastic for me — I was super-involved and got tons out of it.

And then for the last year or so — nope.

To be clear — there is nothing wrong with the program (it’s a fantastic program) and nothing wrong with me (ditto) — simply a misalignment.

Notwithstanding the misalignment, for a whole combination of different things, I still just couldn’t get myself to cancel my subscription, even though it was clear to me that by remaining in the program I was tossing money out the window every month.

This combination of different things included me being worried I wouldn’t be able to “make it” (whatever that means) without the program, a feeling triggered by a lack of self-confidence on my part, and really great marketing on the program’s side.

Bach Flowers to the rescue

Then a few weeks ago, for utterly unrelated reasons, I began taking the Bach Flower Cerato. I’ve written about Cerato in a few places over the last couple of weeks, including here.

Cerato is an incredible Bach Flower tincture that helps you listen to and trust your own instincts and judgment, rather than being overly influenced by those of others. Including their marketing.

A week ago I added Larch to my Cerato tincture.

Larch is one of the Bach Flowers used for increasing self-confidence. I love Larch because it helps you move forward rather than being stopped by fears of “not being able to”.

And guess what? This morning I cancelled my subscription to the membership program.🥳🥳🥳 And am gonna be saving a whole lot of money (and frustration) in the process.🤩

Thank you Bach Flowers!

~ Sat-Sung



Sat-Sung Kalman Hassid

I’m a Bach Flower, Human Design, and Healing professional, and love helping others shine even more brightly than they already do.❤