For more powerful manifestation, choose your words carefully

Sat-Sung Kalman Hassid
5 min readMay 30, 2022

I’m reading a book about being more open to allowing, receiving, and manifesting what you want in life.

What do your words really mean?

In the book, the authors stress how important it is to be fully aware of the meaning of the words you use. This is because when you speak precisely, you manifest what you want in life more easily and effectively.

As an example, the authors warn against using the word “want”. Reviewing dictionary definitions, they explain how “want” means both “desire” and “lack”. Thus, when you say you “want” something, it reinforces that you don’t have it. Declaring that you “want” that beautiful amethyst you see in the window of the crystal shop merely emphasizes that you lack it. And you will continue to lack it.

Similarly, the authors explain that the word “passion” originates from the Greek term for “suffering” and “martyrdom”. Therefore, best to avoid “following your passion” lest you inadvertently manifest yourself a dose of suffering and martyrdom (unless of course that’s your jive, in which case go for it as long as it’s not hurting anyone else). Instead of “following your passion,” the authors suggest “following your love.”

For more powerful manifestation, choose your words carefully

I resonate with this book and this line of thinking. For what we say to ourselves and how we say it is so very important. This is why in Practical Self Development you use specific, precise language. You do this because it affects how and what you manifest in your life. Choose your words carefully, and you create more powerful manifestation.

I also diverge from the authors in certain areas. For instance, the dictionary definition of words is not so decisive for me. Rather, I believe that what the word means to you personally is far more meaningful. What others (including dictionary editors) may tell you about a word is an interesting perspective, but of distant secondary importance. This same principle is true for most types of healing.

An exercise in manifestation

I’d love to share with you a humorous example of the power of words. It’s something that happened yesterday, and I’m still smiling about it.

I’d decided to try one of the book’s exercises. The exercise I tried out is aimed at helping you become greater than you were the previous day. The technique is simple, consisting of choosing “to become bigger” than you’d previously been willing to be.

Sounds cool, I thought as I read, and decided to try it out. It was a good fit, for I can get inside my comfort zone and (almost) always appreciate a push to help me move beyond. Indeed, that’s why I created Power Formula, to help me move beyond my comfort zone and get things done.

Meditating on becoming bigger

So yesterday morning I began meditating on becoming bigger. I continued to meditate on this thought throughout the day — becoming bigger.

The timing of the exercise was fantastic, for that evening I was scheduled to lecture to a group. I felt nervous about it, for the talk was longer than I was used to, to a bigger group than normal, and at an unfamiliar location. All of which necessitated me moving beyond my comfort zone.

I was really glad that I did the exercise, and it helped me tremendously. The talk went great, and I did feel bigger than I was the previous day.

However, a weird thing also happened yesterday. What it was is that I couldn’t stop eating. I ate compulsively from morning until night. Now, full disclosure, I do eat even when I’m not hungry, especially when I feel nervous or am procrastinating. However, yesterday was something else — what was going on was not normal!

Our words create our reality

Then, this morning, as I was lying in bed before getting up, it struck me. Our words do create our reality!

Consider yesterday.

I spent the day manifesting myself becoming bigger. So why was I surprised when I began eating non-stop? After all, all this snacking was indeed helping me become bigger. A bigger size, that is!

This thought caused me to giggle out loud. Isn’t it great how manifestation has such a wonderful sense of humour?

Keep on manifesting!

No question about it, I’m going to keep on manifesting. Along with that, I’m also going to be more careful with my words. Including no longer using the term “become bigger” as a synonym for “moving outside my comfort zone.”

If you’d like to strengthen your manifestation skills, consider Practical Self Development. Practical Self Development helps you replace limiting thoughts that hold you back with expansive beliefs that propel you forward. And with this, you become more you and more effective at reaching for your dreams.

You are also to speak with me for additional information or to share your thoughts or questions.

Have a wonderful day, full of magical manifestation and reaching for your goals!

~ Sat-Sung



Sat-Sung Kalman Hassid

I’m a Bach Flower, Human Design, and Healing professional, and love helping others shine even more brightly than they already do.❤